Movie Script Book (Ragnarok)

Marvel is a well known Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise based in the US, that gives fans action that’s larger than life through movies released every year or every 2 years. The concept developed from this project was inspired by the Movie “Thor Ragnarok,” and the welcoming back of his long sealed away evil sister.

3 Notable Scenes

Although, pictures weren’t included in this typographic book the typography is describing what is happening through 3 scenes of the movie. The technique that was used was a play on type and it’s display was used to convey emotion and direct the readers through the action pack scenes.

The type gave the viewers enough knowledge of the plot from beginning to the end, just enough to keep the viewers on the journey. Through the entire application of this book there was different paces of action and never a dull moment. Type needed to be exaggerated, non exaggerated, loud and bold, small and timid to draw Marvel lovers into the movie scenes that are most remembered.

Viewers can see the transition of each scene through the change of color application due to the different emotion, intensity, and plot that each scene gives. This book is basically a shortened movie on the go not needing any trifling wires or unneeded time to set up. The challenge of commanding the page through the emotion of the scene just through manipulation of type and its characteristics was enjoyable.

Move Script Book Processbook


Baskerville Typographic Book