Have you ever seen a healthy dessert for dogs?

Go treat your Best Pet For Life (BPFL)


Puppery Store Catalog

National Puppuccino Day is September 23rd, this special day was deemed to celebrate amazing connections of love from owners to pets. It is also a fun way in some states to raise awareness about shelter dogs in, showcasing how they can make awesome pets and an amazing addition to the family. Raising awareness brings to attention what people take for granted and don’t see behind the scenes.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle is very important in a family. Everyone should have a chances to be able to life the best way they can and for the longest. A little dessert here and there out of moderation is a great reward from a life full of healthy choices.

For this project the objective was to create a Pup Cup store filled with healthy nutrition just for your furry best friend while also promoting other franchises selling Pup Cups.

The colors used all represent the stores mission is to provide loyalty, good health, passion, and a life filled with positive energy. Also a little fun fact is that dogs can only see yellow, blues, and grays so incorporating colors that draws dogs in was the objective. The Pup Cup store also sells merchandise to appease to the owners and pets while supporting the neighborhood.

Puppery Catalog Processbook


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